
Commercial/Office Building Retrofit with Improved Air Quality

Perimeter Induction unit are back in the trend with many commercial towers getting retrofitted with Induction unit system in lieu of other VAV type systems. Induction units as produced by EB Air Control is slim, quiet and energy efficient and more so can be customized for all locations. With VAV option on Induction unit in

Computer Room Air Handler

Underfloor CRAH (Computer Room Air Handler) – efficient solution

In recent times demand for effective data room cooling has spiraled to an all-time high given demand for data processing, server room activities and cloud computing has been growing in leaps and bounds. There has always been a challenge to keep data room running smoothly without outages or trip shutdowns. The Data room demand alongside

EB Air Mixer Tool for Effective HVAC Management

The rising demand for air mixer tool for effective HVAC management? Today’s modern buildings require more homogeneous Air Mixing than before, given current pandemic-stricken mindset does not allow open space utilization with a cognitive imprint that flushing air exacerbates the environment. As much as this statement proves false, more and more buildings do not buy

Air Mixing Improves Indoor Comfort

As more ventilated air is brought inside the building, the irony of mixing air at 2 different thermal gradients causes a concern, which reduces comfort zooming on floor locations causing more distress than good. Undue cold air causes draft which brings different temperature range inside, in turn, calling to use supplementary systems to do comfort

Energy Efficient Air Mixer for Retrofit AHU

Most conventional air handlers built decades ago face current challenges when it comes to upgrading and retrofitting. Almost all problems cannot be resolved in one strike, as they encompass old buildings, mechanical rooms, or heritage sites with old structures and designs. Air Mixer – Post Pandemic Air Quality Many of the air handling units (AHUs)

We are available to assist with any Air Movement Solutions. For Partnership or Representation, send us an email.