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EBA V-TREK Induction Unit (VIU)

Several facilities are seeking out to replace age-old induction units, especially owners and building operators are giving extra weightage to newer generation Induction units that mark significant up-gradation to their old Induction system that perhaps operated for 40 years or so.

With pandemic situations on the go, more and more building operators and designers are looking at Displacement Ventilation, a means to keep indoors flushed of stale air thereby preventing viruses and other airborne contaminants away from the breathing zones.

With Displacement Ventilation design, EB Air supplied Induction units with efficient nozzles can generate higher velocity pressure to offset stale and create fresh air plume giving to the Coanda effect.

How does the EBA V-TREK Induction Unit (VIU) Work?

EB Air’s V-TREK Induction unit uses aerodynamic nozzles with a plug-in mechanism that eliminates air stratification as well optimize displacement airflow by pushing the stale warm air above and thereby exhausting such from the occupied zone.
Occupancy mode with energy savings is also actively targeted by building owners who wish to operate floor-wise perimeter Induction units with DCV (Demand Controlled Ventilation). EB Air has offered units with built-in CAV/VAV flow controllers directed by intelligent controls. By creating some simple logic and guided by building/room control setpoints,

EB Air Induction units can offer an adequate supply of air and water both at high and low mode. With QUIET operations and flexibility to customize units that fit any existing window cavities, EB Air Induction units have come a long way to providing what is required in retrofit situations.

In fact, we offer building operators more benefits and savings that one can comprehend out of new generation Induction Units, once considered an outdated technology.

EBA’s V-TREK Induction unit can be furnished with Airside motorized control & waterside pressure independent valves different sensors, mounted digital controller with BACNet & NFC to captivate greater flexibility in performance and savings. Contact us or call us on 905-670-2277 to learn how we can help.

ebair_wpEBA V-TREK Induction Unit (VIU)

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