Hospitair Terminal Reheat Unit
- Low noise
- Meets Ontario Ministry of Health requirements
- Dry – No bacteria growth
- Available for both under window and ceiling installations
- Fully engineered and custom built to meet customers specific requirements
As the requirements for the comfort of the patient evolved from strictly heating with opening of windows for ventilation to proper air conditioning, the mode of air conditioning changed starting in the mid 1960’s from fan coil units, to dual or induction, to single duct with variable air volume, to single duct terminal reheat using low temperature hot water.
- The dual duct is considered an expensive energy user. The induction induces room air across two patients in a two-bed ward and is considered to be unsatisfactory from the infection control standpoint. Similarly, any air introduced from the corridor side has had the adverse effect of cross-infection.
- The Ontario Ministry of Health has therefore recommended an under window terminal unit using a reheat coil to be dry at all times so not to promote bacteria growth. The air distribution is directed upwards at minimal velocity so as to reduce air movement to the air stream and thus minimize cross infection. Read more.
Product Description
EB AIR HOSPITAIR System is a complete air conditioning system with the following features:
- Extremely ‘low noise’ level
- Particularly suitable for hospital application as return air (if incorporated) is not in contact with the coil
- Equipped with air damper balancing device and/or air valves for independent control • Cooling provided using pre-conditioned primary air only
- Heating provided using hot water reheat coil
- Can be operated in conjunction with high pressure as well as low-pressure duct systems
- Diffuser nozzles can be incorporated above the heating coil to provide induction of room air • Optional bottom connection to primary air
- Available in three sizes
- Custom-built, specifications will vary to meet customer requirements
- Hospitals and other medical clinics
- Homes for the aged
- Laboratories and health care centers
- Wherever bacteria free heating and cooling is desire
Furnish and install EB AIR Hospitair (ZH250, ZH375, ZH500) size and arrangement shown on the plans.
- Base unit shall consist of 4” diameter primary air connections, air plenum, and air diffuser fitting.
- Unit Casing – shall be made of 0.9 mm (20ga) thick galvanized steel. The inside surface shall be of galvanized perforated sheet metal curvature skin. Immediately behind the perforated sheet metal, which is in contact with the air streams, shall be ½” thick acoustical media with mat faced insulation.
- This material is to be tested to have zero erosion at velocities up to 6,000 ft/min. Any insulation, in contact with the air stream, that is subject to erosion is not allowed.
- Behind this liner shall be carefully packaged fiberglass acoustical insulation. The density of the acoustical insulation shall be selected to meet the absorptive insertion losses required.
- Maximum sound level shall not exceed NC31 at 200 cfm and NC23 at 150 cfm.
- Hot water reheat coil shall be factory installed within unit casing and coil assembly shall consist of a single or two row coil(s) with copper tubes, aluminium fins and ½” O.D. water connections complete with vent cock. Coils shall be suitable for working pressure of up to 350 psig.
- The air distribution across the heating coil shall be uniform (Variance shall be less than 5%). Pressure drop across the terminal reheat unit shall not exceed 0.5-inch W.G.